From the category archives:

Dave Ramsey

Sacrifice Now or Sacrifice Later, You Choose

March 8, 2011

I’ve heard people say Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps are nice in theory, but he just doesn’t want me to have fun. “That’s fine for you, but I want to have fun now.” I’ve also heard, “That’s probably a good idea, but I’ve never been cheated along the way.” Well, they may have some valid points, […]

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Total Money Makeover Giveaway

March 15, 2010

Total Money MakeoverAs I launch this new blog I wanted to share some of the knowledge I’ve gained from listening to and reading Dave Ramsey. That is why I started out with my series on his Baby Steps.

To take it a step farther, I’ve decided to give away 3 copies of Dave’s The Total Money Makeover. If you haven’t read it you should, and if you already have it makes a great gift. I wish I would have read it sooner.

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: Step 7 – Give, Save, and Spend!

March 15, 2010

photo credit: Eric Kilby Congratulations, you made it. When you get to baby step 7 you get to have a party. This is where you get to Give, Save, and Spend lots of money. These are the three things that money is for. You want to give it away, spend it on fun stuff, and […]

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: Step 6 – Pay Off the Mortgage Early

March 14, 2010

photo credit: freeloosedirt The grass in the backyard feels different between your toes when the mortgage is paid off and you really own it. I can’t wait to get past this step. It opens so many possibilities.

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: Step 5 – Save for the Kid’s College

March 13, 2010

photo credit: keithbsmiley Do you have kids? Do you plan on having kids someday? Is their a kid in your life that you kind of like and think maybe you want them to be able to go to college someday? If you answered yes to any of these questions now is the time to start […]

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: Step 4 – Save 15% for Retirement

March 12, 2010

photo credit: tlwebb Baby step four is to start saving money for retirement. Social Security and Medicare are basically bankrupt. If you are in your 20’s or 30’s you probably can’t count on too much help from Uncle Sam. Who knows if there will be anything there when you get to retirement age. This means […]

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: Step 3 – Three to Six Months Emergency Fund

March 10, 2010

photo credit: pathwithpaws Great news, if you’ve made it to this step you are debt free. Next you have to save up for emergencies. Life happens and you need to have a safety net. The third baby step is a 3 to 6 month emergency fund. This step builds on the $1000 emergency fund from […]

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: Step 2 – Get Out of Debt

March 9, 2010

photo credit: Andres Rueda Cut up those credit cards right now. You have to. If you keep using them you won’t ever get out of debt. Baby Step 2 is to attack your debt with a vengeance and pay off everything except the mortgage. Dave says that it is easy to wander into debt, but […]

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Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: Step 1 – $1000 Emergency Fund

March 8, 2010

I am a big fan of Dave Ramsey and his advice on money and life. He has changed the way I think about my finances and it has been all for the better. This is going to be the start of a 7 part series covering Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps to financial freedom.

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