Top Personal Finance Blogs

by Derek Clark

Money Crashers recently released a new ranking list for the top personal finance blogs using a new ranking scheme. It combines 9 different rankings to get an overall rank. The separate categories it uses are:

Feedburner Subscribers
Twitter Followers
Alexa Rank
Compete Rank
Technorati Rank
Google PageRank
Yahoo Inbound Links
SEOmoz mozRank
SEMRush Search Value

There are several nice features to the Money Crashers list that some others may not have. The first, which I already mentioned, is that it uses an algorithm that combines each of the rankings rather than just using one of them as a default. It does however allow you to sort by ranking if you want to see the blogs in order by a particular metric.

Another nice feature is that it has the blogs separated into categories, so it allows you to show the rankings for different blogs that are similar. For example, Christian Finance is one of the categories.

If you have your own personal finance blog go over and check out the list to see where you rank. If you just like to read about personal finance this is a great way to find new blogs that you may not have heard of before.

I’d suggest checking out the Christian Finance category to start. It includes some of my favorites including Bible Money Matters, Christian PF, and Redeeming Riches.

{ 1 comment }

Andrew @ Money Crashers October 24, 2010 at 4:46 pm

Thanks for the mention Derek and glad you like all the new features it has including the category option!

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